Seenaa oromoo arsii
Seenaa oromoo arsii

seenaa oromoo arsii

Also Asela is located at 75 km south of Adama town. From those contents, Eebba Faatee which was said to beg Creator and Creation, Eebba Faatee which was said to wish someone’s strength and to be clone, eebba faatee which was said tokeep their unity and to be Brave (Legend), Eebba Faatee which was said to wish peace, and Eebba Faatee which was said to advise someone. It is located at 175 km from Finfinne on Finfinne-Adama-Bale Robe main road. Thus, the result of the study shows that Eebba Faatee (Fate Blessing) has different Contents. After that the collected data were carefully transcribed, and analyzed critically according to their aspects. Seenaa Oromoo maaf akkana barattaa jennaan Warri kun warra seenaa guddaa qabu,bara qubeen hin jirretti warra seenaa afaaniin dubbatee mataa keesatti qabatee dubbatu.

seenaa oromoo arsii seenaa oromoo arsii

Totally, 20 elders were involved in the study from which the data was collected though semi-structured interview, focus group discussion and observation. Oromoo Arsii adoo akkanuma faana dhooftuu Raayyaa geette.Warrii Raayyaa Arsii dhufnee ufiin jedhaa jetti.Abbaa isaanii haga 12 gaafattee seenaa isaanii qoratti. In this manner, 5 elders were selected from each District by using snowball and Purposive sampling technique. From the West Arsi Zone, 4 districts were selected purposively. To achieve the paper objectives, qualitative research approach was employed, for it can guide the researcher to collect qualitative data. Finfinnee, Gurraandh Googl yeroo dhiyoodhaa asitti oomishoonni Huwaawee gabaaf dhiyaatan appilikeeshinoota koo akka hin fayyadamne jechuun akeekkachiisera.Googil fayyadamtoonni. Faatee Blessing is also oral literature which is unique and loved near Arsi Oromo. damee hortee ilmaan Oromoo baga jirtan jechaa seenaa ani oromoo dhunfaa ykn. Haata u malee namoota uumamni Oromoo Jaarsoo godina Harargee Bahaa gara bahaatti Oromoo Arsii godinaalee Arsii Baalee fi haga tokko Shawaa bahaa keessa. Oral literature is the types of literature which transmited orally from generations to generation. The major Objective of this study was to analyis the content of Eebba Faatee (Fate Blessing) in case of Oromia regional state Westi Arsi Zone.

Seenaa oromoo arsii